What a session! After a trip to Tenerife the previous week, (which I was so lucky to be on, see previous post) my first wave sailing session back home in Ireland, delivered probably the best windsurf I’ve had in months and months.


A day like that is so motivating. I was buzzing for days afterwards, thinking of ways to improve my sailing and moves that I want to go for and simply just wanting more action.

Mid summer wave sailing in Ireland. Riding by Dan Kealy, www.epicadventures.ie Special thanks to Christina Kerr for camera


Since signing up with WitchCraft, I have become more and more motivated. Having gear I trust, that allows me to push my sailing as hard as I can, whilst not be afraid that every fall could end up with broken kit, is such a relief. Gear is not cheap so having artisan equipment, built with function and strength as its core values, has given me so much confidence again.


Windsurfing is my favourite sport, and I’m so lucky to be able to enjoy this amazing elemental mix of wind, waves and the awesome power of Mother Earth.