What a fantastic weekend of windsurfing in Dublin. The Bull Island Windsurfers welcomed 4.7m weather with cross shore winds and head high waves while Sunday brought absolutely ballistic 3.5m weather that I reckon was 40knot plus at times.
Dan Kealy (Red Loft), Oshy VG (Green Pryde) and Andrew Christofides
It was fantastic to see so many guys back at the beach, making the most of the conditions, having the chats and getting amongst it.
Oisin Van Gelderin made his return to Dollier and was in fine fettle. Pulling of some top class moves. I saw some super clean goiters, pushies, forwards, back loops and controlled in the pocket wave riding.
Oisin with ghost ship in background
Bob Hagan was in flying form, literally, boosting big airs and even coming up with new ways to de-power his 3.7m. The "Flash" was back, as was Scully, after a Christmas break most politicians would have been proud of.
Bob Hagan taking off!
Ross, Cormac, Olec, Bartek, Guy, Malcolm, Andrew and myself sailed our hearts out either till the wind died or our body failed us (wishing Cormac a speedy recovery).
Myself practicing a floaty jump!
It was brilliant to see everyone stoked on the conditions, such good atmosphere at the beach, all the lads going for it and above all, nature providing us with such amazing elements to go out and have so much fun in!!!
Table top, Dan Kealy